Friday 29 November 2013

Reflection 8 -How can you use Word Processor and Spreadsheet

Word Processor is a software where you can edit and create a document adding specific details to things. This can be used to plan  lessons and design it in anyway possible.

Spreadsheet can be used as a record keeper for class attendance and keeping grades. It could also be used as a timetable.

Wednesday 6 November 2013

Critiquing Rahelle's Blog Post by Jessica

Well, I like your blog so far, it's very pretty, I like how it captures my attention to the template of choice. I like how the font works with it. I'm waiting with anticipation to hear your podcast and the video that you made for your lesson that you would teach, I'm most excited to see what you  have come with.

Good Job though.

Sunday 3 November 2013

Week 7 Reflection on the ASSURE Model and Movie Maker

The importance of using the ASSURE Model when planning a lesson is it is specific with all the aspects that need to be covered when planning a lesson. The ASSURE Model helps you by using all the letters to identify exactly what is to be done.

A-nalyze Learners
S-tate Objectives
S-elect Method, Media and Materials
U-terlize media and materials
R-equirer learner's participation
E-valuate and revise

When movie maker was introduced it was the first time  I paid close attention to it. However, it was the best thing that happened that day discovering. Movie maker will be definitely in my class.

Week 6 Reflection on Podcast

A PoDcast(Personal on Demand) is a form of media that is used to record aural information. The information is portable as long as it is save.

A teacher can use a PoDcast to us as a aural can also be used as a way to enhance learning by creating recordings of activities and instruction method.

The students can then use the PoDcast when they are presenting. They can use it as a form of communication with other classmates.They can use it to record lessons .